A house in chainmail, and flying a plane while blindfolded.
7th February 2022
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In this week's video, I head inside the giant chainmail box that stops a house dissolving. And over on Tom Scott plus, the best video title I've had in a long while: she's blind. I'm blindfolded. We're going to fly a plane.
In this week's video, I head inside the giant chainmail box that stops a house dissolving. And over on Tom Scott plus, the best video title I've had in a long while: she's blind. I'm blindfolded. We're going to fly a plane.
I also had a lot of fun on an escape room podcast this week! David Bodycombe and I appeared on Escape This Podcast, where we tried to solve a mystery on a farm. This was an absolute joy to record, and the final product is worth a listen.
Elsewhere in the world of video this week:
- Why are TV cameras still huge and expensive? is a wonderfully-produced video that thoroughly and entertainingly answers its question.
- Rohin Francis, who's made a couple of appearances on Plus lately, gets to scan his own heart in zero gravity.
- Jay Foreman's Unfinished London is back! I'm sure most folks reading this have already seen What happened to Old London Bridge? but if not: you absolutely should.
- Canon in D, but with a key change. Short, brilliant.
- I haven't seen proper, filmed-at-60fps movie footage before, and this clip from Gemini Man shows how strange high frame rate footage can look. To me, it feels like I'm watching a TV manufacturer's demo tape in a shop, and it confirms that when I switched back to regular frame rates for my video last year, it was absolutely the right call.
And away from video:
- Lots of people have told the story of the ill-fated American Airlines "unlimited lifetime first class travel pass": it's been well-covered over the years. (Here's a primer, just in case.) But until this week, I'd never read this first-person account from the daughter
of someone who had one of those magic tickets. I can see people having a lot of different reactions to this: anywhere from sympathy, to envy, even to disgust.
- The surreal Metro of Charleroi is a deep-dive into a 1970s metro system that its town probably didn't need, along with photos of incredible Brutalist stations.
- A wonderful survey of Italian food crimes, and how other nations are just fine with things like ketchup on pasta. Scroll down for a brilliant chart.
- And finally, I could just link you to the video, but honestly, the story of the New Zealand parrot who stole a GoPro and flew away with it is worth reading.
Wow, that feels like a lot of links this week. Hopefully this is still useful and entertaining for folks reading it: I'm still enjoying writing it!
All the best,
— Tom
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