Spacehoppers, anchors, and a discount Indiana Jones.
17th February 2025
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We start the newsletter, as usual, with a new episode of Lateral, now available in full video! And it's the first of a new recording block, as Nicholas J. Johnson, Dani Siller and Bill Sunderland face questions about functional fungi, activated alarms and profitable presents.
We start the newsletter, as usual, with a new episode of Lateral, now available in full video! And it's the first of a new recording block, as Nicholas J. Johnson, Dani Siller and Bill Sunderland face questions about functional fungi, activated alarms and profitable presents.
Good stuff I've found on YouTube this week:
- Oceanliner Designs answers a question I never thought to ask: how do anchors actually
- Cymru Connection is a feature from a BBC podcast where the Welsh host, Elis, claims he can find a connection to anyone else from Wales. So: he has 60 seconds to find a connection to a Welsh caller, knowing nothing about
who they are in advance. There's clearly a lot of lore here that I wasn't there for, and opening a clip with a 30-second jingle explaining the history is perhaps a bit much for the uninitiated! But this clip is also a great example of why the format works so well: because it's not about the game itself, it's about the personalities, and the back-and-forth of the players taking a silly thing very seriously.
- Spacehoppers in Venice is a lovely little short by Neon Feather, published 14 years ago, and I don't want to spoil its main visual gag here. The 2.34:1 cinematic aspect ratio does feel a bit cramped, but that's my only complaint: the sound design and style makes this a charming watch.
Other interesting links I've found this week:
- Wikipedia, but with the scroll-up interface of TikTok. This shows just how
optimised for addiction the scroll-up interface is: for me it's far, far more "sticky" (or, perhaps, addictive") than the "Random Article" function, while also discouraging learning any deeper about one particular subject. I'm not sure this site is a good thing, but it's certainly interesting enough to put here.
- "I tasted Honda's spicy rodent-repelling tape. And I will do it again unless someone stops me."
- And thanks to Ian for sending over this piece by Marcin Wichary about the hardest working font in Manhattan: a font that you will almost certainly know, but which doesn't really have a name. (Previously: a font called Festive.)
And finally, over on TikTok: Indiana Jones, Lidl edition. Side note: TikTok now has a fully functioning web-only version! On iOS, you may still get popups insisting you log in and unpleasant redirects insisting you download the app, so this alternate link will still be better for you. But as I write this, on desktop and on Android, there's a full TikTok web app. I assume (without evidence) that's because it's much, much harder to ban. Sure, if TikTok gets restricted in the US it'll be gone from their app stores... but it can still work on the web.
All the best,
— Tom
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